
两道迷你算法题 - 爬楼梯 & 链表回环
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吾辈曾经(久远的曾经)做过的算法题目并不多,大多数是在 Leetcode 平台完成,印象深刻的题目有那么一些,而这当中,“最有好感”的是以下两个题目:
爬楼梯 —— 好感原因:吾辈总觉得这个题目是带着好兆头的寓意,所谓路漫漫,一步两步向上爬嘛。
回文链表 —— 好感原因:该题目的其中一个解法,只要脑洞够大,漫天联想,就会觉得这不就是诺兰的电影: 信条 - TENET 里的情节!
所以本文成行,一方面,是关于题解的分享;更多的是出于私心,将其记录在这里, 留个曾经吾辈也有过一段刷算法题时光的纪念。
假设你正在爬楼梯。需要 n 阶你才能到达楼顶。 每次你可以爬 1 或 2 个台阶。你有多少种不同的方法可以爬到楼顶呢?
本题目以下的解法基本涉及菲波那切数列特征,这里不过多展开,简要来说,本题目符合这样的数学规律:走到第 n 阶的解法等于走到第 n - 1 阶的解法,加上走到第 n - 2 阶的解法之和
解法 1 - 一般递归
function climbStairs(n) {
if (n < 3) {
return n;
return climbStairs(n - 1) + climbStairs(n - 2);
解法 2 - 递归优化 + 缓存数组
const cache = [1, 1, 2];
function climbStairs(n) {
if (cache[n]) {
return cache[n];
cache[n] = climbStairs(n - 1) + climbStairs(n - 2);
return cache[n];
function climbStairs(n, cache = [1, 1, 2]) {
return (
cache[n] ??
(cache[n] = climbStairs(n - 1, cache) + climbStairs(n - 2, cache))
解法 3 - 常规循环
function climbStairs(n) {
const cache = [1, 1, 2];
if (n < 3) {
return cache[n];
for (let i = 3; i <= n; i++) {
cache[i] = cache[i - 1] + cache[i - 2];
return cache[n];
解法 4 - “晦涩”递归
function climbStairs(n) {
let ansCou = 0;
(function action(step) {
if (step > n) return;
if (step === n) {
action(step + 1);
action(step + 2);
return ansCou;
补充 - Eloquent Javascript 摘录
But recursion is not always just a less-efficient alternative to looping. Some problems are much easier to solve with recursion than with loops. Most often these are problems that require exploring or processing several “branches”, each of which might branch out again into more branches.
Consider this puzzle: by starting from the number 1 and repeatedly either adding 5 or multiplying by 3, an infinite amount of new numbers can be produced. How would you write a function that, given a number, tries to find a sequence of such additions and multiplications that produce that number? For example, the number 13 could be reached by first multiplying by 3 and then adding 5 twice, whereas the number 15 cannot be reached at all.
Here is a recursive solution:
function findSolution(target) {
function find(current, history) {
if (current == target)
return history;
else if (current > target)
return null;
return find(current + 5, "(" + history + " + 5)") ||
find(current * 3, "(" + history + " * 3)");
return find(1, "1");
// → (((1 * 3) + 5) * 3)
给你一个单链表的头节点 head ,请你判断该链表是否为回文链表。如果是,返回 true ;否则,返回 false 。
解法 1 - 暴力解法
var isPalindrome = function (head) {
const arr = [];
let node = head;
while (node) {
node = node.next;
for (let i = 0, len = arr.length; i < Math.ceil((len - 1) / 2); i++) {
if (arr[i] !== arr[len - 1 - i]) {
return false;
return true;
解法 2 - 快慢指针 + 链表反转
function reverse(head) {
let prev = null;
while (head) {
let nextNode = head.next;
head.next = prev;
prev = head;
head = nextNode;
return prev;
function isPalindrome(head) {
let fast = head,
slow = head;
while (fast && fast.next) {
fast = fast.next.next;
slow = slow.next;
if (fast) {
slow = slow.next; // 🎈 奇数个节点的情况下,正中间的节点不用判断。 - slow 再后移一位。
slow = reverse(slow);
fast = head;
while (slow) {
if (slow.val !== fast.val) {
return false;
slow = slow.next;
fast = fast.next;
return true;
解法 3 - 🎞 “TENET 信条”递归
function isPalindrome(head) {
let headReal = head;
return check(head);
function check(headNode) {
if (!headNode) return true;
const res = check(headNode.next) && headNode.val === headReal.val;
headReal = headReal.next; // 🎈 我们需要在递归过程中手动的去更改 headReal 指向
return res;
注意:上面代码中,当第一次尝试判断 headReal.val === headNode.val
时,因为之前的不断的 check(headNode.next)
的"递归下探",此时 headNode 实际指向的是末尾的节点。
之后就如🎥 电影信条的剧情:头尾节点向中间靠拢(对于 headReal 指针,是通过手动声明,不断的右移。而 headNode 则是随着递归深度不断往上返回值,—— 当 check(headNode.next)
返回 true 时,再进而判断 headNode.val === headReal.val
, 则呈现一种“左移”的效果)。
两道迷你算法题 - 爬楼梯 & 链表回环
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